Let’s talk about sexes
You know the male and females sexes,
The matching of opposites,
Sometimes not opposites;
You know, the finding of the ones who fit
Hmm… Let’s talk about marriageThe union of two,
For the creation of few;
The sacrifice of two,
For the creation of one;
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
The World Behind My Eyes: Hmm… Marriage
The World Behind My Eyes: Monsters I've Created
Monsters I’ve CreatedI looked in my own future,
and didn’t see you there;
I didn’t put you there,
and took every opportunity to leave;
I am that way.I’m content with my present,
a present I’ve created;
I don’t love it,
and I believe I deserve better than it;
I can’t see very well for I…
The World Behind My Eyes: #Last Night 6811
Huni Baby Babe Honey Suga Suger Sweets! Sweetums Pumpkin!! Sweetypie Sugar dumplin!! Sugar cakes Sweet lips! Sweet neck Yummi cheeks Sweet tongue sexi bumm!!! Succulent nipples Fingers slides smoothly through your lovely head of hair. Eyes close in complete ecstasy feel completely relaxed, loving…
The World Behind My Eyes: This Crazy Love Thing
Changes the world with A, a heartly smile, a peaking eye, a sneaky touch. a mix of things already there.
Really love isn’t very different From all the other mixes we take in mixes of lies and annoyance that create anger, or cocktails of ignorance and desire to feed lust, not so different from…
The World Behind My Eyes: An Odd Accent
Today a young stranger strolled in our yard. It was the cool evening part of overwhelmingly hot summer day. So hot that most, including my older sister, had ran errands in town already and where now resting. Patios and front lawns were vacant as far as eyes could see; and seeing as our dwelling…
Thursday, 25 July 2013
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
…pretty girl, sunlight in the air…
Wale - Pretty Girls ft. Gucci Mane, Weensey Of Backyard Band (by WaleVEVO)
The voice of conscience is so delicate that it is easy to stifle it; but it is also so clear that it is impossible to mistake it.
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
Friday, 12 July 2013
Monday, 8 July 2013
Music will get you through…2013 Reggae & Culture Mixtape, Richie Spice, Capleton & More (by Dancehall OfWar)