Saturday, 31 May 2014

Get Prepared and Enter into His Worship

"But the LORD is in his holy Temple. Let all the earth be silent before him.” ~ Habakkuk 2:20 

Idols have no life, no personhood, no power; idols are empty chunks of wood or stone or thought. Temples built to idols are equally empty; no one lives there. But the Lord is in his temple. He is real, alive, and powerful. He is truly and fully God. Worshipers of emptiness command their idols to save them, but we who worship the living God come to him in silent awe, with great respect, and with reverence. We acknowledge that God is in control and knows what he is doing. Idols remain silent, because they cannot answer. The living God, by contrast, speaks through his Word. Approach God reverently and wait silently to hear what he has to say.

Be ye prepared for the sweet Sabbath rest, yes live each day as a part of your worship. Work hard as a testament to thy Father who blesses thee, and enter into his temple with praise. 


Thursday, 29 May 2014

Undecided Thoughts : Guest Writer: Jason Thomas, The Elements To Succes...

Undecided Thoughts : Guest Writer: Jason Thomas, The Elements To Succes...:

Elements To Success: Need, Passion and Determination 

The elements to success in what? That is the first hurdle
we must clear, in this glorious race called life as we perceive it. In your
race, you must choose: when to race, how to train, where to rest, why to push,
who to beat and what to blame. In your race, in success, you’ll find there is
not really a difference between the ‘what’ and the ‘who’. Success lives and
dies with you, not what or who. ONLY YOU CAN WIN YOUR RACE! What race? Your
race. Who’s race? Your race.



Stand up."

Okay, the race Marshall has given you time. Time to
focus. How strongly does your survival hinge on this victory? Is this the best
of you? Will you give your all to the very end? 
You must.

To be successful you
must have passion, you must stand for and be about something. You must be
pleasant, to everyone feels your presence and to yourself/ves. You must leave a
sensual imprint; maybe unforgettably sweet, tart, both, or simply unforgettable.
You must, from the heart of your
passions. You must be like a
passion fruit: pleasantly sweet and tart, and rich in health benefiting
plant nutrients.

You must be rich in health. Your health is your wealth. 

must go in with the very best of you, fully dedicated, unwaveringly determined.
You’ll get nowhere if you ride a half assed donkey. So too your success will be
but dreams in the centre of an unbaked pie no one will ever enjoy. It is not
enough to think, sketch, write or scheme. One must go and live, learn, love;
you must be hundred percent 100 committed.

You must, more than anything else, with passion, and
determination, NEED it. It: Success. Success lives and dies with you; how much
life will you feed her. Her survival depends on it. Will you clothe her with
the finest? Will you shelter her from the destructive elements?

...imagine being on both sides of tears,
they say a man is trapped by his fears,
yet the brave few still rise...

...they say a man carries his hurt forever,
everything he touches feels this fever,
yet his love is only to burn...

...yet the brave few still rise.
Jason Ricardo Thomas
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Sunday, 25 May 2014

Broken Cups & Good Tea...

A group of former students visited their former university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints of pressure at work and stress. The professor offered his guests tea. Returning from the kitchen the professor brought a large pot of tea and an assortment of cups: plastic, glass, crystal, etc.

Some expensive some cheap. He told his guests to help themselves to tea. 

When all former students had a cup of tea in hand, the professor said: "If you notice, all the expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the cheap and plain ones. While it is only normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. Be assured the cup itself adds no quality to the tea. In most cases it is only more expensive. What all of you really wanted was the tea, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups. And then you began eyeing each other's cups. Now consider this: Life is like the tea. The jobs, money and positions in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain life. The type of cup we have does not define nor change the quality of life we live. Sometimes by concentrating only on the cup we fail to enjoy the tea God has provided us. God brews the tea not the cup. Enjoy the tea. The happiest people don't  have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything. Live simply, love 
generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God."

Yes...I admit I believe in a involved and creative God that is mind blogging, and imply undefinable. I must also admit I love tea, and cups, and expensive things too. My dream has been for a long time to have my own school to nurture minds along a path of fulfillment. Maybe I was just trying to give myself purpose, definition, or a dream to grow into. I have grappled for long with feelings of underachieving, there is a greatness others saw in me that I never desired for myself. My gift is with people, I love to share, I love to teach; I don't necessarily love to talk or share space. Giving of myself is just my cup of tea.

Giving is awesome, humans are oddly awesome. People are fragile things, be careful...

Many of my blessings have chosen me, I don't go seeking much. I've always felt sketchy at best, a ghost of a being that leaves a lingering. I am at peace with my wanderlust. My troubles are with the stops I tend to take, not the rest stops, I always drift along test routes with warning signs. I like to go against my will, my instinct, against the spirit that keeps me whole. I forcibly push myself into danger, into newness, to experience my existence on the edge of the expenditures. I am a extremist of sorts. Over the past weeks, as I've committed myself to new givings my life has blossomed. My most significant bloom has been a renewed connection with the source, my God. A renewed balance, a renewed responsibility, a renewed sensuality. I must admit, I don't need to drift to feel and I am aware my learning has not ended. At this junction in my story I look back at days spent well and look forward to rest..


Sunday, 11 May 2014

Yard Sale

I saved all the love letters I have ever gotten,
In a drawer that is falling apart,
The whole dresser is falling apart,
A part of me is very much stuck with the forgotten;

I gave away much of the gifts I took from lovers,
Many pretty soon after getting them,
So that drawer is pretty bare with things,
Too much still remains, all over my where the heart is, of lovers;

Before I do laundry, there is some cleaning I need to do,
A freshness I need to create for my survival,
A harmony anew, that sleeping in my bed is my day's final,
We need to get rid of over thing I saved that reminds me of you;

Firstly these windows to my soul need to be opened more often,
I need to fix a few, I'm sure they are shuttered for good reason,
Sunlight and air, closets and fear, a summery season,
Let's hope I don't burst into flame, a comfort couch of control can be a coffin;

So here goes nothing, here goes everything that's not,
Not something I need from then for my now,
Not something to help with my future how,
Everything that's not, come take it or not,

Everything must go...


Friday, 9 May 2014

...And I Let Her Go

...I ran my hand through her hair,
she looked at me the way she always does;

It felt like she smiled a rainbow into my soul but reality reminded me that it was the same facial expression of old. I don't think she even smiled, maybe I think she did when I blew her a kiss as I approached her. I told my friend I was gonna give up this chase, he thought she was the perfect chase; he too fell for her, felt it was possible through me, forgive me I curried up the stories and the possibilities.

She was the one, of two of her kind currently, the other had told me the limits of my zone so it was easier to move on. So today, I died hopefully for the last time in her eyes... I let her go...

More so I need to let go of Her, the type... The out of my league girl I befriend in pursuit of perfect bliss. The reason all the good girls in love with me get dissed or played; well that's the comfort I give myself. I wished her the best, and now I continue my trek.

Maybe I ran into another her, so my mind has a new focus. A new focus on a lingering I've had. I tend to linger. I linger on dimples, skin, hair, scents, breasts, teeth, touch, I linger on the what ifs. I play out these movie reels of intentions in my mind, I live out the opportunity of few very rarely with you. I speak some into being, as if once I've said it I must do it to correct the dishonesty of an un-lived advice or fable. Maybe I just ran out of space in mind for all the clutter, maybe I'm getting old and running out of patience.

Today I spoke my heart to her and I let her go...


Undecided Thoughts : Guest Writer: Jason Ricardo Thomas; Young Men and ...

Undecided Thoughts : Guest Writer: Jason Ricardo Thomas; Young Men and ...: Young Men and Celibacy Strict self-denial and raging bulls darting down the streets of Pamplona are seemingly a match made in opposit...

Strict self-denial and raging bulls darting down the streets of Pamplona are seemingly a match made in opposite’s heaven. Existing on such differing ends of the logical spectrum, youthful vigor and committed patience are often at odds and fully demanding of energy and consciousness. This conflict is the home, if he so chooses, for the young man who desires to be celibate.
Celibacy, the voluntary abstaining from sex and marriage, is a life of withholding and withstanding. Young men are glorified for their brute, exhibition, fellowship, and lack of tire and restraint. All hail the ‘Young Buck’, yes all marvel at the feats of the ‘Young Stud’, and few notice the value of the young sage. The conquests of the brash are celebrated and the non-conformity of the celibate is vilified; excepting in religious circles where it is expected though still not praised. There is great value in discipline; the wisdom of celibacy should not be golden only to the priestly.
The young man who desires to be celibate is as much at war with himself as with the societal beckoning of conformity. Celibacy is by no means a simple want or a need, neither is it an aversion to sex or marriage. This misconception is at the heart of the alienation of the celibate, who grapples with human longings for intimacy and companionship as feverishly as those who dive in at first glance and repeatedly. His covenant is of love; his celibacy is a commitment to his future; to his forever. Celibacy is not a hatred of, celibacy is an intangible motivator, it is a journey of choosing to practice some and wait some. Life lived at a moderate pace, is living in control. Celibacy is not the brakes it is not even the vehicle, celibacy is the continuous movement towards the reward. It is evident that there are prizes for promiscuity, notches on the belt of the player and disappointments for the discarded. Celibacy takes you in a totally different direction.
Where does one channel the vitality of youth then? You do not want to waste your young-manhood, but if you are not chasing what are you doing with your time? The simply answer is every virtuous thing, with all the passion and strength you possess. Absence of sex and marriage does not stop you from any great aspiration or ideal; you have years to prepare your mind and body for both and you do not need to chase either for they too await the best you. Do not take the puss in a bag in your adolescence, twenties or thirties, never take the bag. Live everyday fully engaged, befriend and love. Learn, race, explore, invent, relax, perform, travel, do, and be. Celibacy empowers you, encourages you to be all you can be.
There is a time for everything under the sun, let the fire of your younger days burn bright and steady. Take the time; you'll be ready for sex and marriage, and priesthood. Take the time, make the right choice. Celibate and run the streets of Pamplona free as a young man in his prime, you can do both. Nothing is stopping you but you.

By Jason Ricardo Thomas 


Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Undecided Thoughts : Professionalism In The Workplace by Jason Ricardo ...

Undecided Thoughts : Professionalism In The Workplace by Jason Ricardo ...: Professionalism In The Workplace All professions have a workplace; one would think it safe to assume therefore that professionalism is ...

All professions have a workplace; one would think it safe to assume therefore that professionalism is part and parcel. Woe to the assumer and double woe to anyone believing that the place gives birth to the ‘ism. However, whenever the work is to be done, the greater the professionalism the higher the success.

Professionalism is all encompassing. The workplace is a fusion of environment, resources, and culture; the ideal setup provides for and responds to the human resources in the pursuit of maximum output. Each aspect is held to a high standard, though we often think of the workers alone, to achieve the quality of the outcome desired. In a nut shell: Location is the where, Mission is the why, Vision is the future, and Professionalism is the how.
Of everything we’ve highlighted so far the human resource is the most important, and our focus and the sure fix to most workplace issues is the professional worker. So let us define professionalism in relation to the right person for the job.
Professionalism:  is the expertness, status, methods, character or standards expected of a professional, such as reliability, discretion, evenhandedness, and fair play.

How does that translate into an actual being? We'll zone in on the top 5 areas where being a pro is key:
1.      Dress & Grooming: Look the part, be the face. Adopting and maintaining the appropriate image and attire empowers you for success whilst identifying you with what you do.

2.      Knowledge: Know what you do, be the voice. Be the encyclopedia, reference manual, subject matter expert and bull horn of your field; consume the data and be the source of what’s relevant.

3.      Practice: Master the skills, be the example. It is not enough to look the part and know the part, one must be. Perfect your skills, share the craft, teach the learner, improve and innovate.

4.      Attitude: Carry the load, inspire the work. What you take to battle is as important as well you fight; model the right, be the code of ethics, champion the cause.

5.      Competence: GET THE JOB DONE. When every factor is equated, the result is the proof; complete the task well, on time, every time.

Oh, these are just the top 5 areas; there’s so much more. Feel free to share your experiences and related insights. Comment and join the conversation.

By Jason Ricardo Thomas


Sunday, 4 May 2014

Today I Destroy The Dam, Today I Recycle The Restraints

I really considered a couple strong decisions last week. As always I tested without permission, and failures were handed out. You're almost certain to get a certain result when you fix the rules. The process was as always an unfair series of eliminations, because the undesirables weren't meant to be there in the first place. I hope though that there will be no more of these eliminations, and as with this new resolve new actions must follow.

I crave a grand surprise, an encapsulating everlasting newness, though I haven't left much garden space in my forest. Life can become such a controlled ecosystem of inputs, forecasts, adjustments and contingencies. For life to be truly magically, your living yes your every sense must be alive in unison. It is not enough to work, and be disciplined dead. Come alive, love, breathe, smell, taste, hear, see, feel. Everyday.

Don’t wait any longer. Live your very best life today.
Don’t hold your happiness hostage waiting for some imagined perfect circumstance to come along. Choose to be happy, joyful and truly thankful for the moment you’re in.
You deserve a life that is magnificent. And you deserve to let yourself live it right now.
Don’t put off until someday the richness that you can live on this very day. Remind yourself what a fantastic opportunity you have, and go with it.
You can add unique beauty to life, so do it now. You can live in harmony with your highest vision, so do it now.
This very day, this very place is where you have the good fortune of being. Live it fully, with love, with commitment, with joy and grace, and live it now.
— Ralph Marston
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