...I ran my hand through her hair,
she looked at me the way she always does;
It felt like she smiled a rainbow into my soul but reality reminded me that it was the same facial expression of old. I don't think she even smiled, maybe I think she did when I blew her a kiss as I approached her. I told my friend I was gonna give up this chase, he thought she was the perfect chase; he too fell for her, felt it was possible through me, forgive me I curried up the stories and the possibilities.
She was the one, of two of her kind currently, the other had told me the limits of my zone so it was easier to move on. So today, I died hopefully for the last time in her eyes... I let her go...
More so I need to let go of Her, the type... The out of my league girl I befriend in pursuit of perfect bliss. The reason all the good girls in love with me get dissed or played; well that's the comfort I give myself. I wished her the best, and now I continue my trek.
Maybe I ran into another her, so my mind has a new focus. A new focus on a lingering I've had. I tend to linger. I linger on dimples, skin, hair, scents, breasts, teeth, touch, I linger on the what ifs. I play out these movie reels of intentions in my mind, I live out the opportunity of few very rarely with you. I speak some into being, as if once I've said it I must do it to correct the dishonesty of an un-lived advice or fable. Maybe I just ran out of space in mind for all the clutter, maybe I'm getting old and running out of patience.
Today I spoke my heart to her and I let her go...
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